I thought I
should borrow the post’s title from Juliani’s song because it sums up what
every other Kenyan must be thinking right now. It’s funny that five years are
already down the drain since the last elections which ended disastrously. Feels
like no time has passed at all. That was one dark hour in Kenyan history.
The reason I am
writing this post at one o’clock in the morning is because I am just from
watching a South African movie called The Bang Bang Club. It was releases in
2010 but I stumbled upon it today. It
showcases the lives of four South African photojournalists who put their lives
on the line to take pictures of the war that was going on at the moment in SA
as it transitioned into democracy. Each and every one of these journalists made
history in a way but that is beside the point.
These guys had
to watch people butcher each other over difference they themselves did not
understand. It just did not make sense. I honestly cannot relate because when
our country plunged into chaos; I was still a journalism student. Most
journalists in Kenya however can relate perfectly to this movie.
They were on the
front line during the post election chaos and took pictures and videos that
were viewed too graphic for broadcasting. They had to watch people get killed,
women raped all for issues even those engaging in the violence did not
After things
sort of went back to normal, some journalists came together and made
documentaries about the stories they covered during the chaos. I watched one of
these documentaries and I must say, they used pictures and videos that did not
see the light of day on TV or the newspapers. What people saw on the news was
nothing but the tip of the ice berg as far as these documentaries go.
Kenyans across
the country were greatly affected by images that were published and
broadcasted. It makes me wonder, what if the media did not filter some of these
pictures. Is that what it would take for people to understand that we just
cannot afford to go back down that road? It is honestly not worth it.
The leaders you
claim to be fighting for do not give a rat’s ass. Ask yourself if the country
was to plunge back into chaos, do you have enough money to ship your whole
family away to some international holiday destination before things cool down.
I didn’t think so.
One of the photo
journalists in Kenya who took some of the most gruesome pictures of the chaos
said that; after the chaos stopped and people started rebuilding their lives…government
leaders were approached and were shown some of the pictures. Most of them said
that those pictures were not real; that there is no way that could have
happened in Kenya. Do you know why? Because when people were butchering each
other, these guys were not even around. They were probably lying on some warm
When you spread
hate or agree to be a vessel for violence, the only person you are hurting is yourself
and the people who matter to you; people you should be protecting. That guy who
promised you a thousand shillings to go cause chaos will watch as you die. He/she
will be surrounded by a human shield-body guards…he won’t even get a bruise on
I know life is
pretty hard especially when you have no idea where the next meal is coming
from. Just save that energy and look for bread instead of using it all up
fighting your neighbor who is probably the only person who is ever there for
you. When you fight, if you do not die in it then you will live with a guilty conscience
all your life and your problems will not have solved themselves.
Let us do this
voting thing peacefully. You know what; I say we try peace this time round and
see if in the end we will be happier than the last time elections.
Well, I needed
to write this. You have to take advantage when there’s a consistent flow of
thoughts. I feel much better now….and I
am off to bed.