Monday, July 23, 2012


I am not very old but from the stories I am told by those older than me lets me conclude with certainty that as we become more 'modern', social evils increase. There is one particular evil that I will never be able to comprehend....RAPE.

All rape stories are sad. It leaves you imagining just what the victim must have been going through. How scared they must have been and just what state they are left in when it is all over. For them I think it is never really over.

One rape story that really got to me was of a very young girl. She was barely a year old when it happened. The asshole responsible was someone she would have grown to call daddy; it was her mother's boyfriend. He violated her and left her for the dead.

She was found by her grandmother and was in hospital for a few months. There are a few sad facts about this story. One, her mother ran away after she found out what had happened. She was afraid she would be arrested but that is no excuse. I am not a mother yet but I believe a mother should protect her children with her life if she has to.

The second sad fact is that the only way the little angel's life could be saved was to remove her uterus. She has probably forgotten what happened to her... .But what happens when she is older and wants to start her own family but she can't. How will anyone be able to explain why she will never be able to hold her own flesh and blood in her arms.

Its baffling what a man would see in a child to turn into such an animal. In all honesty, there are many women a man could go for. And if your game is that horrible, pay for sex. You will not be the first nor the last. Such men are weak and they are cowards whose punishment should be dire. I think they feel they need to prove they are men. Am not sure to who though. They feel they need to exercise their 'power' over their victims. But if the need is that dire, go punch something.....anything but not ruin a person's life in such a grotesque way.

I hope to have a family of my own soon. Babies to protect from this mad world, and I can promise them now as well as myself that if anyone ever comes close to my babies, I will dedicate my life to making them pay. Trust me, I can keep a grudge.

This is just one of those things that I think I will never understand about this crazy world. Y'all take care of yourself and your loved ones. Do what you have to to protect them.

Monday, July 16, 2012


Every time I see him especially after a period of time, my heart skips what in all honesty feels like more than one beat. His scent leaves me I am anticipating something am afraid my body won't handle because of its awesomeness.

His smile is like that first ray of sunshine that caress your skin with such tenderness, the one you just want to busk in. His eyes seem to see right through you. Leave you feeling vulnerable and naked before them, like he can see exactly what you are feeling....eyes that say he knows the kind of feelings he evokes.

He is not the kind to wear his heart on his sleeve but he is gentle. He is not the kind to easily fall in love... He is more the kind who will make girls fall in love with him. He however loves earnestly if ever anyone evokes such kind of emotions from him.

He will not flatter you with words that do not come from his heart neither lie to make you smile. He will tell you the truth even when he knows it will hurt, but he knows you will forgive him. No one prefers a liar.

He will disappoint and most times that will suck, but he will try make it up. His joy is making another
 smile....the sound of laughter gets him through the day.

Most people do not know him as I do and I must say am honored that it was me above everyone else. He won't always say "I love you" but I know it doesn't mean that he does not feel it. His penetrating eyes always betray him.

He is a lot of things, but most of all, he is my guilty pleasure.