Tuesday, January 7, 2014

2014....BRING IT ON

2014…I can tell you what is different this year as compared to the last two years; I have a job. Both 2012 and 2013 started with me being jobless. Both years started with me being a complete couch potato. I think these are the periods I gained weight.

I guess it’s only fair to say I like how the year has started (read I have a job). This is my last day bumming before I go back to work and what better way to spend it than working on what I have been postponing. I have been avoiding the thought of 2014 and what I want and hope to achieve before it comes to a close.
I want this blog to be the place I admit…mostly to myself….that I am scared. Scared that I might hope and end up wanting badly to actualize those hopes and it does not happen. You must think I am a big sissy but I am just being honest. The problem with life is that there is no rewind button and I am scared of the year ending without being where I hoped I would be.

Despite the fact; I would hate to be a slave to my fears. I will take the plunge in the deep end (I can’t swim) and hope I won’t drown.

I want 2014 to be the year I hit solid ground with my career. Feels like that part of my life has been uncertain for far too long. I want out of that uncertainty. It is very unsettling. I am just praying for the courage to shut out that little voice in my head that creeps up and holds me back from reaching my full potential.

I want to go back to school this year. I have no idea how this will happen but am told I should have faith. I will just leave this one to the Almighty. I will ask him to figure that one out for me. I want to start a side hustle this year. I am still researching on it but I pray it works out. It’s time I started working on making my money work for me.

My relationship with God is not what it used to be. I can feel it and I can’t really tell when things changed but they did. I want to go back to where it was or even better. It’s been a minute since I went to church. Do I miss it? Maybe….I don’t know. I will work on that…baby steps.

2014 started well for him and when he is happy then I am happy. This year will define his career and I pray it goes as he hopes it will. As far as my love life is concerned; 2014 is another year to grow this beautiful relationship and I am grateful for that.

I hope I get to have lots of fun with both friends and family this year. I hope 2014 will be filled with love, good health, success and blessings and not just for me but for all of you and all my loved ones. I pray for the courage to take on this year.
2014….bring it on!

Afterthought: Feels like this post ended prematurely but hey….